GoSumD.ai software can be used in a variety of different ways and for many things like
GoSumD.ai has an "optimization," feature, which can tell you, for example:
It can also predict possible outcomes. For example, where homes will sell in a neighborhood in the next three months:
- Determining which are the most important factors in selling a home (location, number of rooms, number of bathrooms etc.)
- What makes an item sell at a restaurant (location on the menu, specific buzz words, time of day, location of restaurant)
- Factors more likely to cause someone to get the flu (location, age, diet, hair color)
GoSumD.ai has an "optimization," feature, which can tell you, for example:
- Which items to cook in a fast food restaurant at a given time at a given location
- How to stock grocery stores for a given time / given season / location
- Where to send relator fliers in a neighborhood based on most likely home to sell in the future.
- Which people respond better to certain treatments based on lifestyle, location, age, etc.
It can also predict possible outcomes. For example, where homes will sell in a neighborhood in the next three months: